How To Set Different Loading Times For Each Depot Respectively

Loading Time is the time taken to load the goods into your vehicle. This option allows the system to take into account of the Loading Time which will delay the ETA generated for the run.

If you have different Loading Times for each of your depots, you may enter and specify the Loading Time for each of your depot.

In the following example, 3 depots were set up to show the differences in the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) time generated with and without specifying the Loading Time for your depot.

Loading Time is the time taken to load the goods into your vehicle. This option allows the system to take into account of the Loading Time which will delay the ETA generated for the run.

If you have different Loading Times for each of your depots, you may enter and specify the Loading Time for each of your depot.

In the following example, 3 depots were set up to show the differences in the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) time generated with and without specifying the Loading Time for your depot.

How To Set Up

  1. Navigate to Settings > Depots
  2. Click on the Add Depot or Edit button.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter the time into the Loading Time field.

    • Specifying the Loading Time for each of your depot will override the Loading Time under Settings > General.
    • The systems will take the Loading Time under Settings > General for reference if the Loading Time for your respective depot is not specified.

How To Set Up

  1. Navigate to Settings > Depots
  2. Click on the Add Depot or Edit button.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter the time into the Loading Time field.


  • Specifying the Loading Time for each of your depot will override the Loading Time under Settings > General.
  • The systems will take the Loading Time under Settings > General for reference if the Loading Time for your respective depot is not specified.

Comparison Of ETA Times

A Loading Time of 30 mins was entered into General > Settings; with 3 vehicles assigned to 3 respective depots as follows:

Screenshot of Loading Time under General > Settings

Depot Setup
Depot Name Depot Loading Time (mins) Vehicle Name
NotSpecifiedDepot V-NotSpecified
ZeroDepot 0 V-Zero
OneHourDepot 60 V-OneHour

Screenshots Of Depot Setup




Screenshot Of Vehicles Setup

Before Planning

A list of stops assigned to different depots was setup for planning for comparison.

List Of Stops Assigned To Different Depots For Planning
Stop Name Address Depot
NotSpecified1 3 Temasek Blvd, Singapore 038983 NotSpecifiedDepot
NotSpecified2 1 Expo Dr, Singapore 486150 NotSpecifiedDepot
NotSpecified3 90 Hougang Ave 10, Singapore 538766 NotSpecifiedDepot
Zero1 3 Temasek Blvd, Singapore 038983 ZeroDepot
Zero2 1 Expo Dr, Singapore 486150 ZeroDepot
Zero3 90 Hougang Ave 10, Singapore 538766 ZeroDepot
OneHour1 3 Temasek Blvd, Singapore 038983 OneHourDepot
OneHour2 1 Expo Dr, Singapore 486150 OneHourDepot
OneHour3 90 Hougang Ave 10, Singapore 538766 OneHourDepot

Screenshot Before Planning

After Planning

From the planned results,

  • Without specifying the Loading Time, the Loading Time of the stops assigned to NotSpecifiedDepot would take the Loading Time of 30 mins from General Settings.
  • Specifying the Loading Time for the respective Depot would override the Loading Time entry in Settings > General.
  • The Loading Time led to a delay in the ETA being generated.
ETAs Of Planned Stops From Different Depots
NotSpecifiedDepot ZeroDepot OneHourDepot
Loading Times 0 mins 60 mins
Address Stop Name ETA Stop Name ETA Stop Name ETA
3 Temasek Blvd, Singapore 038983 NotSpecified1 9:42 AM Zero1 9:12 AM OneHour1 10:12 AM
1 Expo Dr, Singapore 486150 NotSpecified2 10:03 AM Zero2 9:33 AM OneHour2 10:33 AM
90 Hougang Ave 10, Singapore 538766 NotSpecified3 10:22 AM Zero3 9:52 AM OneHour3 10:52 AM

Screenshot After Planning