How To Assign Depot To Vehicle And Stop

In the following example, 3 different vehicles have been assigned a different Depot respectively. After planning, 3 separate runs were being generated for each of the vehicles to perform their deliveries from their respective Depots.

How To Assign Depot To Vehicle

  1. Navigate to Settings > Vehicles
  2. Select the vehicle, and the Depot for that vehicle.


    • If the depot is not set, it will use the default depot specified under Settings > Depot.

    In this example, 3 different vehicles had been assigned a different Depot respectively.

    Table Of Vehicles And Its Corresponding Depot
    Vehicle Name Depot
    Driver1 Mandai Depot
    Driver2 Ang Mo Kio
    Driver3 Jurong Port

    Screenshot Of Vehicles And Its Corresponding Depot

How To Assign Depot to Stop

When adding or editing a stop, you may select the required depot for the stop.

  1. Assigning Depot to the Stop

    Screenshot Before Planning
  2. After Plan and Optimize, the stops will be assigned to the vehicles tagged with the assigned Depot.
    Table Of Planned Stops
    Depot Vehicle Name Stop Name
    Ang Mo Kio Driver2 Junction 10
    Jurong Bird Park
    Nanyang Technological University
    Jurong Port Driver3 National University of Singapore
    Singapore Expo
    Junction 8
    Mandai Depot Driver1 Suntec City
    Singapore Management University
    Coasta Sands Resort

    Screenshot After Planning: